Implementation of the Elliptic Curve Cryptography Method in Digital Image Security in Medical Images


  • Yanuar Bhakti Wira Tama
  • syamsul mujahidin Institut Teknologi Kalimantan, Balikpapan, Indonesia



digital image, elliptic curve, entropy, medical image


Digital security become increasingly important particularly in medical field as impact of patient privacy and the protection of patient data. This attempt for this research will be made to use elliptic curve cryptography to hide messages in the form of digital images using multiplication matrix modified hill chipper and count entropy and time encryption and decryption. The encryption process, which utilizes matrix multiplication, ensures that the images achieve near-ideal entropy values, close to 8, indicating a high degree of randomness and security. The result is entropy for encrypted image near 8 it means that randomness of image is quite random. Meanwhile for computational time encrypted and decrypted image for one block is around 400000 nano second for encrypt image and 1500000000 nano second for decrypt image.




How to Cite

Yanuar Bhakti Wira Tama, & mujahidin, syamsul. (2024). Implementation of the Elliptic Curve Cryptography Method in Digital Image Security in Medical Images. SPECTA Journal of Technology, 8(3), 233–241.